Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shades of Purple

Top: Cotton On Skirt: Pagani Tights: $3 Japan and somewhere else, Farmers maybe? Jacket: Valleygirl Shoes: No. 1 Shoe Warehouse Bag: San Michelle

Today, I had a job interview and of course to set any outfit to have that 'semi-formal' look would be a fitted blazer. I didn't intentionally make it all shades of purple! >_< I just wanted to add some difference and got changed a few times! 

What do you think? Does the skirt work? I scored it at Pagani Outlet Store out in West Auckland for $15! Score! The Pagani Outlet Store pretty has all the sale items in one place and at times cheaper! I love Pagani <3 I love that they have size six!!!

Anyways. Hopefully, tomorrow will post some (or all, most probably) my recent purchases! =] I'm also thinking of changing the name of the blog. Again. Cos I quite like how the Glee girls pull off headbands (when they did Halo/Walkin' on Sunshine. Loved the headbands too and the bright costumes!!). I am absolutely in love with headbands and really do believe they finish an outfit! And I pretty much dedicated a whole pargraph to Glee! Lol. >.<

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I hope you got the job!! :)

    Awesome outfit, this reminds me that I should really wear more purple clothes.

    The Cat Hag
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